Don't have much time...Caleb should be waking any minute now...but I wanted to share this devotion from today...I will update about Christmas etc later!
“The enormous importance of the task of parents”
You should be full of wonder at the goodness of our Father God. Are you not filled with joy to know that your home, your family, your country, which you love so much, are the raw material which you must sanctify? (The Forge, 689)
I am moved that the Apostle should call Christian marriage sacramentum magnum ‑‑ a great sacrament. From this, too, I deduce the enormous importance of the task of parents. You share in the creative power of God: that is why human love is holy, good and noble. It is a gladness of heart which God ‑‑ in his loving providence ‑‑ wants others freely to give up. Each child that God grants you is a wonderful blessing from him: don't be afraid of children! (The Forge, 691)
In conversations I have had with so many married couples, I tell them often that while both they and their children are alive, they should help them to be saints, while being well aware that none of us will be a saint on earth. All we will do is struggle, struggle, struggle. And I also tell them: you Christian mothers and fathers are a great spiritual motor, sending the strength of God to your own ones, strength for that struggle, strength to win, strength to be saints. Don't let them down! (The Forge, 692)
Don't be afraid of loving others, for His sake: and don't worry about loving your own people even more, provided that no matter how much you love them, you love Him a million times more. (The Forge, 693)
That close intimacy you have with Christ means that you have a duty to bear fruit. And yours will be a fruit that will satisfy the hunger of men who come up to you in your work, in your day‑to‑day life and in your family environment. (The Forge, 981
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Graced & Gifted
So I just finished "Graced & Gifted" by Kimberly Hahn...AAAMazing...she is such a great writer!
So I am starting some New Years Resolutions a bit early based on this...
1) Rise Early
Begin my day with prayer, not just my typical quick little "Thanks for a new day Lord!" But dedicated time...while Caleb is still sleeping, Darryl is either still sleeping or off to the hospital. If I don't do it early in the morning, it doesn't get done, or it ends up being a rushed prayer time. I am making a little bag that has my Bible, Bible Study, book of prayers, journal, and current reading to hang on a chair in the dining room...then when my time comes I can creep into the kitchen and spend some time with the Lord, and easily put it all back...
Saint Josemaria Escriva says "Conquer yourself each day from the very first moment, getting up on the dot, at a set time, without granting a single minute to laziness. If, with the help of God, you conquer yourself in that moment, you'll have accomplished a great deal for the rest of the day" BYE BYE SNOOZE BUTTON! (I am the queen of snooze...just ask Darryl!)
"Let me hear in the MORNING of your merciful love, for in you I put my trust. Teach me the way I should go, for to you I lift up my soul." (Psalm 143:8)
"But this I call to mind, and therefore I have hope: The steadfast love of the Lords never ceases, his mercies never come to an end; they are new every MORNING; great is your faithfulness. The Lord is my portion, says my soul, therefore I will hope in him." (Lamentations 3:21-24)
2) I will make take for sleep and exercise! I am going to make myself a little schedule (I will post it when I get it done) and those two will be included!
"Health and soundness are better than all gold, and a robust body than countless riches. There is no wealth better than health of body, and there is no gladness above joy of heart." (Sirach 30:15-16)
3) Darryl and I will date at least once a month. God has called us to Holy Matrimony and we need to make sure that we take the time to spend time with each other and really listen to each other...without background disturbances (ie Caleb)...babysitters needed =)
4) I will be satisfied with what I have accomplished each day...whether everything is crossed off the list or not...
"We face an impossible task, if it means that everything has to be finished every night. I do not think we can complete every task every day; God does not ask us to, because he does not ask us to do the impossible. That means this vocation is an opportunity to embrace humility in knowing that we cannot do it all...Jesus yielded his will to his Father. He accepted the limitations of his human body, which needed food and sleep."
5) I will be a better Homemaker
I will be a keeper of the home, guarding the precious treasures within. Each task will become a response to the Lord. HE is the one asking me to finish the laundry, vacuum, pick up the crying baby, feed the mouths...
I want our home to be a safe haven from the world, a beautiful place we all love to come to, a peaceful shelter where each member knows they are loved and precious!
"I am not the unpaid maid. I am the queen of the realm, the heart of my home."
"Like the sun rising in the heights of the LORD, so is the beauty of a good wife in her well-ordered home" (Sirach 26:16)
To Be Continued...
So I am starting some New Years Resolutions a bit early based on this...
1) Rise Early
Begin my day with prayer, not just my typical quick little "Thanks for a new day Lord!" But dedicated time...while Caleb is still sleeping, Darryl is either still sleeping or off to the hospital. If I don't do it early in the morning, it doesn't get done, or it ends up being a rushed prayer time. I am making a little bag that has my Bible, Bible Study, book of prayers, journal, and current reading to hang on a chair in the dining room...then when my time comes I can creep into the kitchen and spend some time with the Lord, and easily put it all back...
Saint Josemaria Escriva says "Conquer yourself each day from the very first moment, getting up on the dot, at a set time, without granting a single minute to laziness. If, with the help of God, you conquer yourself in that moment, you'll have accomplished a great deal for the rest of the day" BYE BYE SNOOZE BUTTON! (I am the queen of snooze...just ask Darryl!)
"Let me hear in the MORNING of your merciful love, for in you I put my trust. Teach me the way I should go, for to you I lift up my soul." (Psalm 143:8)
"But this I call to mind, and therefore I have hope: The steadfast love of the Lords never ceases, his mercies never come to an end; they are new every MORNING; great is your faithfulness. The Lord is my portion, says my soul, therefore I will hope in him." (Lamentations 3:21-24)
2) I will make take for sleep and exercise! I am going to make myself a little schedule (I will post it when I get it done) and those two will be included!
"Health and soundness are better than all gold, and a robust body than countless riches. There is no wealth better than health of body, and there is no gladness above joy of heart." (Sirach 30:15-16)
3) Darryl and I will date at least once a month. God has called us to Holy Matrimony and we need to make sure that we take the time to spend time with each other and really listen to each other...without background disturbances (ie Caleb)...babysitters needed =)
4) I will be satisfied with what I have accomplished each day...whether everything is crossed off the list or not...
"We face an impossible task, if it means that everything has to be finished every night. I do not think we can complete every task every day; God does not ask us to, because he does not ask us to do the impossible. That means this vocation is an opportunity to embrace humility in knowing that we cannot do it all...Jesus yielded his will to his Father. He accepted the limitations of his human body, which needed food and sleep."
5) I will be a better Homemaker
I will be a keeper of the home, guarding the precious treasures within. Each task will become a response to the Lord. HE is the one asking me to finish the laundry, vacuum, pick up the crying baby, feed the mouths...
I want our home to be a safe haven from the world, a beautiful place we all love to come to, a peaceful shelter where each member knows they are loved and precious!
"I am not the unpaid maid. I am the queen of the realm, the heart of my home."
"Like the sun rising in the heights of the LORD, so is the beauty of a good wife in her well-ordered home" (Sirach 26:16)
To Be Continued...
Monday, December 13, 2010
Today I had a dr. appt and got to hear the baby's is just so miraculous! I just LOVE it! What a gift! God has so blessed us! Everything is good so far...just have to keep an eye on my blood pressure again this time around...
On another note...I AM SO EXCITED ABOUT CHRISTMAS! I don't know why...I guess because I am still a kid at heart...but I just LOVE Christmas time! I have so many fond memories. I was actually reading in this book "Graced & Gifted" by Kimberly Hahn (great book for mommies!!), and it sparked one of my best memories about Christmas...
My parents were so good about having anyone and everyone to our house for Christmas dinner. Dad always made a delicious and huge meal! (well, everyone pitched in, another fabulous memory: everyone in the kitchen!) The table was always full, not necessarily with family, yes, family was there, but so were people who had no family. Mom and Dad just took everyone in! What wonderful examples! "Finally, we may never know fully the consequences of extending hospitality by including people at our dinner table. The writer of Hebrews urges, 'Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares' (Hebrews 13:2)"
I hope you take the time to enjoy this advent/Christmas season...
On another note...I AM SO EXCITED ABOUT CHRISTMAS! I don't know why...I guess because I am still a kid at heart...but I just LOVE Christmas time! I have so many fond memories. I was actually reading in this book "Graced & Gifted" by Kimberly Hahn (great book for mommies!!), and it sparked one of my best memories about Christmas...
My parents were so good about having anyone and everyone to our house for Christmas dinner. Dad always made a delicious and huge meal! (well, everyone pitched in, another fabulous memory: everyone in the kitchen!) The table was always full, not necessarily with family, yes, family was there, but so were people who had no family. Mom and Dad just took everyone in! What wonderful examples! "Finally, we may never know fully the consequences of extending hospitality by including people at our dinner table. The writer of Hebrews urges, 'Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares' (Hebrews 13:2)"
I hope you take the time to enjoy this advent/Christmas season...
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Maybe Yes?! now I really don't think I will have spoke too soon...Caleb is FINALLY!! on a good schedule! We are both loving it! He gets out of bed at 0730...if he wakes up before that he plays in his crib, talking to himself and enjoying his morning. We eat breakfast and play all morning! At 1000 he goes down for his morning nap until 1130ish...then lunch time and playtime again! 3-5 nap again! 8:00 Bedtime!

It is such a blessing! I know when I can and cannot do things, and he is happier with his rest! It is so nice to hear him cooing and playing in his crib and not screaming! =)
Things are great otherwise!
Darryl is busy with his surgery rotation...
Work keeps me busy...and of course the little man! He is constantly on the go!
AND....Our latest blessing....We are expecting #2! So that keeps me busy as well...I am tired all the time and have been feeling mostly ok...With Caleb I threw up atleast once a day...this time not so much, just the nausea part, hanging over the toilet for a few minutes, then good to go! We had an ultrasound last week and got a due date...July 15 and we got to the little heart beat! What a miracle! I go to the DR. on Monday! Keep us all in your prayers!
Sometimes I stilll am in awe that God has chosen to bless us with another little miracle! I had a friend from church tell me it was a promotion from God, that he was trusting me with another little soul...what a HUGE promotion!
Hope everyone is having a blessed Advent season preparing for our Lord's birth! And a happy feast of the Immaculate Conception. We are so blessed to have such a wonderful mother, Mary for an example! (And I'm blessed to also have MY mommy as a wonderful example too!)
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