Well yes things have been happening! I just haven't posted!
Our little nephew/godson is growing! He is absolutely precious and we love him to death! Especially Caleb, thank God. He knows where "the baby is" and will "give the baby a kiss." It is very sweet and I can't wait for them to grow and love each other, and have fun together just like my sisters and I did with our cousins!
Easter was such a blessing! Thank God for sending his son to be our savior! And thank God for all the blessings I enjoy daily...my little smiley man, my wonderful hubby, our home, and life its self!
Speaking of life its self...little Jonah Nicholas is doing well...28.5 weeks along. I can't believe it! He is quite the mover and shaker, and likes to keep me up at night, unlike Caleb.
Things will be busy the next few weeks, but when are they not?! Darryl is on his last rotation of 3rd year! and its a busy one...OB/GYN. We have several weddings to attend, Liam's baptism, a possible trip to Tyler (depending on D's schedule), a VACATION!!!!, another wedding, Darryl's Step 2, and then sometime we will be welcoming a new life!
On other news...I OPENED MY ETSY SHOP! Check it out and share it with friends! I just have a few things up and am working on more! It is lots of fun! If there is something in particular you, or someone you know wants, let me know and I'll see what I can do!
I am trying to put a permanent link to it here on my blog, over there on the left...but am having trouble with that...I am just not computer savvy...any tips?
Hope you had a blessed Easter, filled with Christ's joy!