Wow! What encouraging words! So all the laundry, dishes, vacuuming, ironing, cooking, etc really does matter?!
Isn't it truly amazing how overnight we go from independent, carefree women, to moms who can't even get 5 minutes alone to go to the restroom? It can be a struggle to carry out this vocation. BUT what a blessing!
"Let us pray for mothers and fathers throughout the world, particularly those who may be struggling in any way -- socially, materially, spiritually. Let us honor the vocation of matrimony and the dignity of family life. Let us always appreciate that it is in families that vocations are given life." -- Benedict XVI
With that being said...I am so grateful for my hubby! I could not make this journey without him, or fulfill my role as wife and mother without his love and support. I love you Darryl!
Here are some precious memories...mmm when life was simple. Meals were whatever, whenever. Trips were no big deal. Grocery shopping was a breeze. Early morning runs were a usual. And a little bit of extra joy was lacking...God is good!