We had a WONDERFUL weekend enjoying Darryl being home! He slept lots, played lots with the babies, and helped me lots. We are so blessed! On Friday I worked with Caleb ALL day to say "da-da", of course we have been working on it for months...but I kept showing him pictures of Darryl and asking "who's that?" So when Darryl got home...SURPRISEEEEEE "da-da" came out of Caleb's mouth along with a big grin from both boys! Happy Day!
So to celebrate here are 5 fun facts about our "man-child/man-cub"
1. He likes to sleep with TWO, not one, but TWO pacis.
2. Caleb loves to love on his little brother
3. He loves to wave at everyTHING/one
4. He has never met a stranger, and has quite a personality...a happy one
5. He is sooo loud and busy...you have no idea!