Song of Solomon 3:4
As I think back on three years ago this day I was so excited! So nervous! (not about actually marrying you, but the wedding, the reception, the dance, the honeymoon ;) etc...I wanted it all to be perfect! You were/are my dream man and I wanted to be the "perfect" wife. After 3 years I still have this problem with perfection, but I know and am grateful that you love me just the way I am - imperfections and all; even though I leave my empty Splenda packets on the counter RIGHT NEXT to the trash can, even though it never fails that when I do laundry and wash the sheets they are never on the bed by the time we are ready for bed, even though I lose my patience way more easily than you, even though I have stacks of papers all over the house...the list goes on!!!! I'm so thankful we got married so close to thanksgiving because it is such a reminder of the blessing you are to me and the boys.
Do you remember, in college I gave a box full of index cards with reasons I love you? Well here's an updated order (and ill try to keep it g)
1. You are so patient - you never yell at me
2. You spoil me rotten!
3. You make a wonderful daddy
4. You're a man of god
5. You're a leader for our family
6. You're gentle
7. You're so laid back - it somewhat evens me out
8. You go for runs with me just so we can chat
9. You put up with all my cooking experiments
10. You help around the house
11. You help with the boys
12. You helped me have the boys
13. I still can't resist you in tight pants (ie. Baseball pants)
14. You mop the floors and fold clothes better than me
15. You still bring me flowers just becaus
16. You always kiss me goodnight and goodbye
17. You have your priorities right
18. You cook the best scrambled eggs
19. You put your arm around me in church
20. You're faithful
21. You're a family man
22. You give the best hugs
23. You support us
24. You're effecient
25. You always drive
Well...that is just a start to the list...but the boys are calling so I must run. But I love you so much and am grateful God gave me you!
High School