Friday, December 23, 2011


Oh Christmas and me are like this *fingers crossed*...tight! :)
I have always had this LOVE for Christmas time.  I just love all the joy and happiness, family and friends, sweets and smells, lights and music...
I am so thankful to my parents for the many memories I have, all VERY happy!  Christmastime was always so wonderful at our house!  And Darryl and I are wanting to do the same for our boys...
We've gone to look at Christmas lights which Caleb LOVES, every time we pass a house with them he signs "more" "more".
We've gone to visit Santa!  Caleb loves Santa this year...he will quietly whisper "santa" and "ho ho".
We've gone to Caleb's program at MDO...PRICELESS.
We've enjoyed Daddy being home and on vacation!!! WOHOOOO
We've done our advent wreath and talked about "patience", yes with our 22 month old!
We cut down and decorated our christmas tree.
We put up our nativity scene.
We put out our Christmas lights.
We've listened to Christmas music.
We've watched Christmas movies.
Tomorrow we are going to Christmas eve mass with the boys in their cute Christmas duds, we are putting out cookies for Santa, and on Sunday morning we will wake up to homemade cinnamon rolls and lots of smiles!
I am so blessed to have such a wonderful family!  Today as I was holding Jonah while he was sleeping peacefully in my arms, and then again when I was reading to Caleb as he continued to bring me books, and again while baking in the kitchen with Darryl, I stopped to realize how truly blessed I am!  That these 3 boys are my world!  I don't need any presents!  Just their presence!
We are doing the gifts low key this year...BUDGET!! But it wont matter...Caleb will still be all smiles and I can't wait!
Growing up we didn't have a traditional Christmas dinner...we had Crawfish Enchiladas...HEAVEN!  So we decided to go is our menu!  We are having some sweet friends over to join us...CANT WAIT!!
1. Southwestern Avocado Egg Rolls
2. Brie Bites
3. Paella
4. Sweet potatoe fries
5. Green Bean Casserole (traditional, yes...but one of my favs!! with fresh green beans!)
6. jalapeno cheese bread
7. chocolate oatmeal drops
8. darryl's fav. pound cake
9.chocolate creme pecan shortbread tart

AND...I am sure I am forgetting something...don't worry I have a LIST in the kitchen ;)
Blessings to you and yours on this wonderful holiday!