Oh Christmas and me are like this *fingers crossed*...tight! :)
I have always had this LOVE for Christmas time. I just love all the joy and happiness, family and friends, sweets and smells, lights and music...
I am so thankful to my parents for the many memories I have, all VERY happy! Christmastime was always so wonderful at our house! And Darryl and I are wanting to do the same for our boys...
We've gone to look at Christmas lights which Caleb LOVES, every time we pass a house with them he signs "more" "more".
We've gone to visit Santa! Caleb loves Santa this year...he will quietly whisper "santa" and "ho ho".
We've gone to Caleb's program at MDO...PRICELESS.
We've enjoyed Daddy being home and on vacation!!! WOHOOOO
We've done our advent wreath and talked about "patience", yes with our 22 month old!
We cut down and decorated our christmas tree.
We put up our nativity scene.
We put out our Christmas lights.
We've listened to Christmas music.
We've watched Christmas movies.
Tomorrow we are going to Christmas eve mass with the boys in their cute Christmas duds, we are putting out cookies for Santa, and on Sunday morning we will wake up to homemade cinnamon rolls and lots of smiles!
I am so blessed to have such a wonderful family! Today as I was holding Jonah while he was sleeping peacefully in my arms, and then again when I was reading to Caleb as he continued to bring me books, and again while baking in the kitchen with Darryl, I stopped to realize how truly blessed I am! That these 3 boys are my world! I don't need any presents! Just their presence!
We are doing the gifts low key this year...BUDGET!! But it wont matter...Caleb will still be all smiles and I can't wait!
Growing up we didn't have a traditional Christmas dinner...we had Crawfish Enchiladas...HEAVEN! So we decided to go nontraditional...here is our menu! We are having some sweet friends over to join us...CANT WAIT!!
1. Southwestern Avocado Egg Rolls
2. Brie Bites
3. Paella
4. Sweet potatoe fries
5. Green Bean Casserole (traditional, yes...but one of my favs!! with fresh green beans!)
6. jalapeno cheese bread
7. chocolate oatmeal drops
8. darryl's fav. pound cake
9.chocolate creme pecan shortbread tart
AND...I am sure I am forgetting something...don't worry I have a LIST in the kitchen ;)
Blessings to you and yours on this wonderful holiday!
Friday, December 23, 2011
Monday, November 21, 2011
3 years!!
I have found the one my soul loves
Song of Solomon 3:4
As I think back on three years ago this day I was so excited! So nervous! (not about actually marrying you, but the wedding, the reception, the dance, the honeymoon ;) etc...I wanted it all to be perfect! You were/are my dream man and I wanted to be the "perfect" wife. After 3 years I still have this problem with perfection, but I know and am grateful that you love me just the way I am - imperfections and all; even though I leave my empty Splenda packets on the counter RIGHT NEXT to the trash can, even though it never fails that when I do laundry and wash the sheets they are never on the bed by the time we are ready for bed, even though I lose my patience way more easily than you, even though I have stacks of papers all over the house...the list goes on!!!! I'm so thankful we got married so close to thanksgiving because it is such a reminder of the blessing you are to me and the boys.
Do you remember, in college I gave a box full of index cards with reasons I love you? Well here's an updated version...no order (and ill try to keep it g)
1. You are so patient - you never yell at me
2. You spoil me rotten!
3. You make a wonderful daddy
4. You're a man of god
5. You're a leader for our family
6. You're gentle
7. You're so laid back - it somewhat evens me out
8. You go for runs with me just so we can chat
9. You put up with all my cooking experiments
10. You help around the house
11. You help with the boys
12. You helped me have the boys
13. I still can't resist you in tight pants (ie. Baseball pants)
14. You mop the floors and fold clothes better than me
15. You still bring me flowers just becaus
16. You always kiss me goodnight and goodbye
17. You have your priorities right
18. You cook the best scrambled eggs
19. You put your arm around me in church
20. You're faithful
21. You're a family man
22. You give the best hugs
23. You support us
24. You're effecient
25. You always drive
Well...that is just a start to the list...but the boys are calling so I must run. But I love you so much and am grateful God gave me you!
High School

Song of Solomon 3:4
As I think back on three years ago this day I was so excited! So nervous! (not about actually marrying you, but the wedding, the reception, the dance, the honeymoon ;) etc...I wanted it all to be perfect! You were/are my dream man and I wanted to be the "perfect" wife. After 3 years I still have this problem with perfection, but I know and am grateful that you love me just the way I am - imperfections and all; even though I leave my empty Splenda packets on the counter RIGHT NEXT to the trash can, even though it never fails that when I do laundry and wash the sheets they are never on the bed by the time we are ready for bed, even though I lose my patience way more easily than you, even though I have stacks of papers all over the house...the list goes on!!!! I'm so thankful we got married so close to thanksgiving because it is such a reminder of the blessing you are to me and the boys.
Do you remember, in college I gave a box full of index cards with reasons I love you? Well here's an updated version...no order (and ill try to keep it g)
1. You are so patient - you never yell at me
2. You spoil me rotten!
3. You make a wonderful daddy
4. You're a man of god
5. You're a leader for our family
6. You're gentle
7. You're so laid back - it somewhat evens me out
8. You go for runs with me just so we can chat
9. You put up with all my cooking experiments
10. You help around the house
11. You help with the boys
12. You helped me have the boys
13. I still can't resist you in tight pants (ie. Baseball pants)
14. You mop the floors and fold clothes better than me
15. You still bring me flowers just becaus
16. You always kiss me goodnight and goodbye
17. You have your priorities right
18. You cook the best scrambled eggs
19. You put your arm around me in church
20. You're faithful
21. You're a family man
22. You give the best hugs
23. You support us
24. You're effecient
25. You always drive
Well...that is just a start to the list...but the boys are calling so I must run. But I love you so much and am grateful God gave me you!
High School
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
A few things this mama of 2 under 2 cannot live without:
My Pumpkins:
(photos by Matthew Powell)

1. Double Jogger (at least for this mama)
2. Baby Bjorn (or your favorite baby carrier)
3. Naps! (for us it was babywise...)
4. Accepting imperfection (my house will likely be messy for years to come, but there is always fun had in its rooms. I will prob never be a size 6 again, but I have 2 beautiful boys to show for it!)
5. coffee...mmmm we are bestest buds!
6. patience has a whole new meaning! and God is faithful to renew it each morning...
7. Joy
8. friends and family
9. my hubby, lover, best friend, soul mate, partner, helper
2. Baby Bjorn (or your favorite baby carrier)
3. Naps! (for us it was babywise...)
4. Accepting imperfection (my house will likely be messy for years to come, but there is always fun had in its rooms. I will prob never be a size 6 again, but I have 2 beautiful boys to show for it!)
5. coffee...mmmm we are bestest buds!
6. patience has a whole new meaning! and God is faithful to renew it each morning...
7. Joy
8. friends and family
9. my hubby, lover, best friend, soul mate, partner, helper
10. God's grace
My Pumpkins:
(photos by Matthew Powell)
Thursday, September 1, 2011
New Chapters...
Several new happenings in the Blalock household...
1) Yesterday residency applications were submitted. Exciting and scary. It is all up to God! Interviews will start in December. Please say special prayers that Darryl's application will fall into the right hands, that we will have the patience and peace needed to trust God, and that God's plan will be revealed to us, mainly Darryl...
2) I am unemployed...
After many prayers and lots of thought Darryl and I decided this was best for our family. Things are crazy busy around our house. I feel God has called me to the vocation of wife and mother first! The new children's hospital was going to be a big move, plus working in the PICU always keeps you on your toes. I felt like the amount of shifts I was going to be able to work I wouldn't be able to keep up my skills and feel comfortable in a new hospital. It was just time to make this decision. My babies and hubby are too important. It was a hard decision...I LOVED my job! I LOVED being a nurse and being able to care for people. I loved the people I worked with. But it was time to listen to God's call...“Here I am, Lord, ready to do whatever you want.”
1) Yesterday residency applications were submitted. Exciting and scary. It is all up to God! Interviews will start in December. Please say special prayers that Darryl's application will fall into the right hands, that we will have the patience and peace needed to trust God, and that God's plan will be revealed to us, mainly Darryl...
2) I am unemployed...
After many prayers and lots of thought Darryl and I decided this was best for our family. Things are crazy busy around our house. I feel God has called me to the vocation of wife and mother first! The new children's hospital was going to be a big move, plus working in the PICU always keeps you on your toes. I felt like the amount of shifts I was going to be able to work I wouldn't be able to keep up my skills and feel comfortable in a new hospital. It was just time to make this decision. My babies and hubby are too important. It was a hard decision...I LOVED my job! I LOVED being a nurse and being able to care for people. I loved the people I worked with. But it was time to listen to God's call...“Here I am, Lord, ready to do whatever you want.”
"What do I have to do to maintain my love for God and make it increase?'' you asked me, fired with enthusiasm. Leave the ``old man'' behind, my son, and cheerfully give up things which are good in themselves but hinder your detachment from yourself. You have to repeat constantly and with deeds, "Here I am, Lord, ready to do whatever you want.'' (The Forge, 117)
3) we are waiting for the Fall chapter to unfold (with cooler weather)
My in-laws anniversary is next week so Happy Anniversary to them! I've been blessed with good examples of marriage in my parents and darryl's.
I will post more pics later...babes are calling
3) we are waiting for the Fall chapter to unfold (with cooler weather)
My in-laws anniversary is next week so Happy Anniversary to them! I've been blessed with good examples of marriage in my parents and darryl's.
I will post more pics later...babes are calling
Monday, August 15, 2011
We had a WONDERFUL weekend enjoying Darryl being home! He slept lots, played lots with the babies, and helped me lots. We are so blessed! On Friday I worked with Caleb ALL day to say "da-da", of course we have been working on it for months...but I kept showing him pictures of Darryl and asking "who's that?" So when Darryl got home...SURPRISEEEEEE "da-da" came out of Caleb's mouth along with a big grin from both boys! Happy Day!
So to celebrate here are 5 fun facts about our "man-child/man-cub"
1. He likes to sleep with TWO, not one, but TWO pacis.
2. Caleb loves to love on his little brother
3. He loves to wave at everyTHING/one
4. He has never met a stranger, and has quite a personality...a happy one
5. He is sooo loud and busy...you have no idea!
Saturday, August 6, 2011
So as many people know...we are living on a small budget. Last month we started doing cash only, (because we admire my sister and brother-in-law for doing it so well)! So I just have to brag that we completed the month successfully! We only used our debit card or checks to pay set bills...phones, mortgage etc. Our budget was set on a conservative figure of what Darryl will be making as a 1st year resident/what we have now. Granted last month we were blessed immensely with friends and family buying groceries, making meals, giving us diapers etc...so we will see how this month goes! Here's to saving money!
On another note...this is what I've been waking up to each morning...LOVE
On another note...this is what I've been waking up to each morning...LOVE
Friday, August 5, 2011
Good Enough
I am daily reminded how inadequate I am as mother...I lose my patience with Jonah at night feedings when he refuses to fall back asleep instead of embracing that time with just him, no Caleb interruptions, I lose my patience with Caleb when he refuses to listen to or me or when he is showing his new found skill--temper tantrums, I let Caleb watch tv -- simply because I am so tired...the list goes on...
BUT - THANK GOD - God does not require or expect perfection...just "good enough." So what do I feel is what God requires of me to be "good enough"?
"Simple"...2 things...
1. Seek Wisdom
"The wise woman builds her house, but with her own hands the foolish one tears hers down." -Prov 14:1
What does this mean to me? Constantly, throughout the day, I must turn to God for wisdom and guidance - and HE will provide me with the grace necessary to mother well.
BUT - THANK GOD - God does not require or expect perfection...just "good enough." So what do I feel is what God requires of me to be "good enough"?
"Simple"...2 things...
1. Seek Wisdom
"The wise woman builds her house, but with her own hands the foolish one tears hers down." -Prov 14:1
What does this mean to me? Constantly, throughout the day, I must turn to God for wisdom and guidance - and HE will provide me with the grace necessary to mother well.
2. Love my kiddos
Jesus replied "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself. -Matt 22:37-40
"his love expressed through me will cover many parenting mistakes."
So while "good enough" sounds like settling at first...it really isn't. I must acknowledge, and let my kids know that I am not God, and will never be -- all-sufficient, all-knowing, ever-present -- to them.
God has not called me to be perfect. So if I do what is "good enough" for him, its "good enough" for me.
Photos from Jonah's baptism by Matthew:
sorry for the small photos...couldnt get photobucket to work...
Jesus replied "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself. -Matt 22:37-40
"his love expressed through me will cover many parenting mistakes."
So while "good enough" sounds like settling at first...it really isn't. I must acknowledge, and let my kids know that I am not God, and will never be -- all-sufficient, all-knowing, ever-present -- to them.
God has not called me to be perfect. So if I do what is "good enough" for him, its "good enough" for me.
Photos from Jonah's baptism by Matthew:
sorry for the small photos...couldnt get photobucket to work...

Monday, July 25, 2011
“Children are the most important possession parents are entrusted with”
"Being a father or a mother is not simply a matter of bringing children into the world. The capacity for generation, which is a share in the creative power of God, is meant to have a continuation. Parents are called to cooperate with the Holy Spirit in the development of their children into men and women who will be authentic Christians.
The parents are the first persons responsible for the education of their children, in human as well as in spiritual matters. They should be conscious of the extent of their responsibility. To fulfill it, they need prudence, understanding, a capacity to love and a concern for giving good example."
Thats a lot of pressure if you ask me!!
5 Fun Facts:
1. I love to sew! You should check out my etsy site...I am having a sale! enter coupon code 30off for 30% off http://www.etsy.com/shop/madelineblalock?ref=ss_profile
2. Caleb is still taking 2 1.5-2hr naps a day -- WOHOO
3. I *hate* having dirty floors...but it has become a way of life with little ones
4. I love it when my hubby puts his arm around me...especially at mass for some reason
5. Jonah loves to be cuddled = happy mom!
Blessings, M
Enjoy these photos taking by my amazing bro-in-law!
Friday, July 15, 2011
New Baby!
Yep! We have a new baby! He is perfect in every way! God blessed us with little Jonah on July 6, at 1157am. Everything went well, we are all home and happy and healthy...well Caleb is starting to get a little jealous...but other than that!
Even though it has not been that long I forgot how little they are, and their sweet little noises, and precious cuddles...mmmm
But I also love Caleb's big boy laughs, little feet running around our house, playing chase, swimming in the pool, and watching him sign to me.
Life is busy! It is quite an adjustment...I am still working on it. What to do with Caleb while I nurse Jonah...so far the "baby jail" is working ok, and he is watching a lot more veggie tales...I feel bad, but don't really have much of choice (unless someone out there has suggestions!!!). I am trying to give Caleb special attention while Jonah is sleeping -- reading lots of books, playing in the backyard, etc...
I enjoyed having my mom here for a week! It was so nice to sleep in (she would watch C), have meals cooked and cleaned for me, and be spoiled in general...moms are so wonderful, and I am pretty sure I have the best! I had a little bit of a break down when she left yesterday, but I know that God will provide!
Courtney, Matthew, and Liam are coming into town this weekend! WOHOO! Plus, Caleb loves his cousin so that will be good for him!

compare that to C's first bath http://theblalocksblessings.blogspot.com/2011/06/babes.html

ps- today was Jonah's due date!
Even though it has not been that long I forgot how little they are, and their sweet little noises, and precious cuddles...mmmm
But I also love Caleb's big boy laughs, little feet running around our house, playing chase, swimming in the pool, and watching him sign to me.
Life is busy! It is quite an adjustment...I am still working on it. What to do with Caleb while I nurse Jonah...so far the "baby jail" is working ok, and he is watching a lot more veggie tales...I feel bad, but don't really have much of choice (unless someone out there has suggestions!!!). I am trying to give Caleb special attention while Jonah is sleeping -- reading lots of books, playing in the backyard, etc...
I enjoyed having my mom here for a week! It was so nice to sleep in (she would watch C), have meals cooked and cleaned for me, and be spoiled in general...moms are so wonderful, and I am pretty sure I have the best! I had a little bit of a break down when she left yesterday, but I know that God will provide!
Courtney, Matthew, and Liam are coming into town this weekend! WOHOO! Plus, Caleb loves his cousin so that will be good for him!
compare that to C's first bath http://theblalocksblessings.blogspot.com/2011/06/babes.html
ps- today was Jonah's due date!
Friday, June 24, 2011
We went to see the Dr. this am (who, by the way I LOVE!!! she is just wonderful!). She has scheduled my induction for July 8, 0600...if he doesn't come on his own before then, and as long as my blood pressure continues to cooperate. We will be 39 weeks that day. So say some prayers!
Since Jonah is coming soon I thought I would remind myself, and everyone else...how tiny they really are

Yes, we are excited...nervous, but excited! I would be lying if i said I wasn't worried. Worried about the delivery, worried about the baby, worried about being able to be a good mom to TWO precious blessings, worried about being a good wife too...BUT I have to remind myself that God would not have given us this miracle without the help, support, love, and ability to care for it!
On another note, well maybe not so "other", I just finished reading "The Handbook for Catholic Moms" by Lisa M. Hendey...great read and I will share a few likes:
-She discussed how we often say "look what your son has done" or think "wait until your father gets home". (*side note, the author this book is married to and ER MD, and they were married through residency etc...so I guess I feel some sort of connection here...) Her husband explained to her that his time with his children was so limited and he didn't want to walk in the door and immediately discipline his baby. He wanted to get down on the floor and play, do anything to light up the eyes and smile his precious boy...I have to remember this too! Not that I will be the only "bad guy" but just not to save it all up for Darryl.
-Blessed Mother Teresa "It is not the magnitude of our actions but the amount of love that is put into them that matters." She reminds us that this is the attitude we need when there is ANOTHER pile of laundry, or dishes, or ANOTHER meal to cook etc...
"We all want to know that we are doing a good job. In a mother's work, however, there are no performance appraisals or merit pay increases. We're in it for the long haul, and its likely that we will not see for many years the end result of all our efforts." So as I do each of these things I try to remember to pray, pray in Thanksgiving that we have a precious family to clothe, that we have mouths to feed and food to feed them, as I am ironing Darryl's work clothes I pray for him, that he will listen to God's call and follow it, that he will have the strength he needs to guide our family and as I am picking up Caleb's toys, or cleaning his high chair AGAIN, I pray that God will keep him safe and hold him in his loving arms, that Caleb will learn to love Christ, and be an example to others, and THROUGHOUT the day, I pray that God will give me strength and grace to do all he has called me to do!
I can't go into everything I learned in this book...just read it!
But I will leave you with a request...please pray for me! I learned many new patron saints from the book pick one (or 2 ;-) of the following who are patron saints of pregnant women, mothers, infants & babies...
*St. Anne (mothers, housewives, pregnant women, women in labor)
*St. Anthony of Padua (pregnant women)
*St. Brigid of Ireland (infants & babies)
*St. Elizabeth (expectant mothers, pregnant women)
*St. Gerard Majella (pregnant women, pro-life movement, unborn children)
*St. Gianna Beretta Molla (pregnant women)
Sorry for the long post!
We went to see the Dr. this am (who, by the way I LOVE!!! she is just wonderful!). She has scheduled my induction for July 8, 0600...if he doesn't come on his own before then, and as long as my blood pressure continues to cooperate. We will be 39 weeks that day. So say some prayers!
Since Jonah is coming soon I thought I would remind myself, and everyone else...how tiny they really are
Yes, we are excited...nervous, but excited! I would be lying if i said I wasn't worried. Worried about the delivery, worried about the baby, worried about being able to be a good mom to TWO precious blessings, worried about being a good wife too...BUT I have to remind myself that God would not have given us this miracle without the help, support, love, and ability to care for it!
On another note, well maybe not so "other", I just finished reading "The Handbook for Catholic Moms" by Lisa M. Hendey...great read and I will share a few likes:
-She discussed how we often say "look what your son has done" or think "wait until your father gets home". (*side note, the author this book is married to and ER MD, and they were married through residency etc...so I guess I feel some sort of connection here...) Her husband explained to her that his time with his children was so limited and he didn't want to walk in the door and immediately discipline his baby. He wanted to get down on the floor and play, do anything to light up the eyes and smile his precious boy...I have to remember this too! Not that I will be the only "bad guy" but just not to save it all up for Darryl.
-Blessed Mother Teresa "It is not the magnitude of our actions but the amount of love that is put into them that matters." She reminds us that this is the attitude we need when there is ANOTHER pile of laundry, or dishes, or ANOTHER meal to cook etc...
"We all want to know that we are doing a good job. In a mother's work, however, there are no performance appraisals or merit pay increases. We're in it for the long haul, and its likely that we will not see for many years the end result of all our efforts." So as I do each of these things I try to remember to pray, pray in Thanksgiving that we have a precious family to clothe, that we have mouths to feed and food to feed them, as I am ironing Darryl's work clothes I pray for him, that he will listen to God's call and follow it, that he will have the strength he needs to guide our family and as I am picking up Caleb's toys, or cleaning his high chair AGAIN, I pray that God will keep him safe and hold him in his loving arms, that Caleb will learn to love Christ, and be an example to others, and THROUGHOUT the day, I pray that God will give me strength and grace to do all he has called me to do!
I can't go into everything I learned in this book...just read it!
But I will leave you with a request...please pray for me! I learned many new patron saints from the book pick one (or 2 ;-) of the following who are patron saints of pregnant women, mothers, infants & babies...
*St. Anne (mothers, housewives, pregnant women, women in labor)
*St. Anthony of Padua (pregnant women)
*St. Brigid of Ireland (infants & babies)
*St. Elizabeth (expectant mothers, pregnant women)
*St. Gerard Majella (pregnant women, pro-life movement, unborn children)
*St. Gianna Beretta Molla (pregnant women)
Sorry for the long post!
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Sorry about the pics...no time to fix now...caleb is getting ready for bed! check them out on FB! =)
Where Have We Been?
Where have we been you might ask? All over TX and back! Life has been crazy busy, but blessed.
We started our June by having Darryl finish his 3rd year of medical school (all A's! I'll brag!) We headed to Galveston with my family for a week of vacation. SO much fun! It was nice to be able to take Caleb down in the am and find atleast mom and dad up to watch him so we could catch up on a few zzzz's. Caleb loves water, so no wonder he had a blast! I am not sure whether he liked the water or sand more, but either way 99% of each day was spent outside -- bliss! We didn't really do to much, which made the vacation even better! Just lots of relaxing, eating, playing games, watching movies, and enjoying family.
After this week of fun, we drove to San Antonio and stayed one night there with Courtney and Matthew (wonderful hosts!) before heading to Kerrville for a beautiful wedding, then back to San Antonio for another night...then back to Houston for Darryl to take the clinical skills part of his Step II exam. In Houston we stayed with my Aunt & Uncle who LOVE Caleb and are so good to him! Also, while we were in Houston I got meet up with several sweet friends I have been missing! God has blessed me with such wonderful friends!
Needless to say, after 13 days away, we were all glad to be home! Caleb was so cute when we got home he was running around in circles around the couch, slept like a champ, and in general we could just tell he missed his home too! (going to be like his mommy...a homebody!)
On the Jonah front...before we left for vacation I was having a lot of migraines so my Dr. ordered a bunch of tests on me for pre-eclampsia again. (Had this all with Caleb). When we came back I had a Dr. appt and she told me that I did have protein in my urine again. My BP has not been too bad, not as bad as it was with Caleb...upper 120's (pre-baby I was 100's). So she put me on "bedrest", (told me no more 12hr shifts) and scheduled me for 2x/wk appts and NSTs. Last week when I saw her I was 36 wks, and was 3cm dilated and 30% effaced...so she said we have a much better start for induction than we did with caleb...Today she told me she would not let me go past 39 (July 8) and I go back to see her Fri. Jonah seems to be doing just fine, shes not worried about him right now! Thank God!
We celebrated Father's Day this past weekend by having a relaxing Sunday, going to mass, playing in the backyard, and cooking Darryl dinner. I am so blessed to have so many amazing fathers, grandfathers, godfathers etc. in my life!
SOOO! Now Darryl is busy studying for the written portion of Step II (hence I am not able to get on the computer much). I am trying to rest as much as Caleb and me will let me, not get too hot, and get ready for # 2...amazing how unprepared I am this time around! ;-)
Sorry I did not have much time to spend on photos or blog...but hope you feel caught up! =)

We started our June by having Darryl finish his 3rd year of medical school (all A's! I'll brag!) We headed to Galveston with my family for a week of vacation. SO much fun! It was nice to be able to take Caleb down in the am and find atleast mom and dad up to watch him so we could catch up on a few zzzz's. Caleb loves water, so no wonder he had a blast! I am not sure whether he liked the water or sand more, but either way 99% of each day was spent outside -- bliss! We didn't really do to much, which made the vacation even better! Just lots of relaxing, eating, playing games, watching movies, and enjoying family.
After this week of fun, we drove to San Antonio and stayed one night there with Courtney and Matthew (wonderful hosts!) before heading to Kerrville for a beautiful wedding, then back to San Antonio for another night...then back to Houston for Darryl to take the clinical skills part of his Step II exam. In Houston we stayed with my Aunt & Uncle who LOVE Caleb and are so good to him! Also, while we were in Houston I got meet up with several sweet friends I have been missing! God has blessed me with such wonderful friends!
Needless to say, after 13 days away, we were all glad to be home! Caleb was so cute when we got home he was running around in circles around the couch, slept like a champ, and in general we could just tell he missed his home too! (going to be like his mommy...a homebody!)
On the Jonah front...before we left for vacation I was having a lot of migraines so my Dr. ordered a bunch of tests on me for pre-eclampsia again. (Had this all with Caleb). When we came back I had a Dr. appt and she told me that I did have protein in my urine again. My BP has not been too bad, not as bad as it was with Caleb...upper 120's (pre-baby I was 100's). So she put me on "bedrest", (told me no more 12hr shifts) and scheduled me for 2x/wk appts and NSTs. Last week when I saw her I was 36 wks, and was 3cm dilated and 30% effaced...so she said we have a much better start for induction than we did with caleb...Today she told me she would not let me go past 39 (July 8) and I go back to see her Fri. Jonah seems to be doing just fine, shes not worried about him right now! Thank God!
We celebrated Father's Day this past weekend by having a relaxing Sunday, going to mass, playing in the backyard, and cooking Darryl dinner. I am so blessed to have so many amazing fathers, grandfathers, godfathers etc. in my life!
SOOO! Now Darryl is busy studying for the written portion of Step II (hence I am not able to get on the computer much). I am trying to rest as much as Caleb and me will let me, not get too hot, and get ready for # 2...amazing how unprepared I am this time around! ;-)
Sorry I did not have much time to spend on photos or blog...but hope you feel caught up! =)
Thursday, June 2, 2011
"Blessed are you for believing'', said Elizabeth to our Mother. Union with God, supernatural virtue, always brings with it the attractive practice of human virtues: Mary brought joy to her cousin's home, because she brought Christ. (Furrow, 566)
I love to see my precious boy bring joy to people's lives. He is such an example to me!
So much to share, so little time! Things have been busssssy! Lots of road trips, comings and goings, which of course means packing and unpacking. But we are enjoying it! Darryl just finished third year today! WOHOOO! So proud!
Leaving tomorrow for our vacation/wedding trip/darryl takes the 1st part of Step II in Houston.
I just love this picture! The story is pricesless...Courtney and I were packing up the car to head to Athens for Becca's 8th grade graduation, she knew Liam was tired and just needed to get in the car so she put him on our bed while we packed up and Darryl was on "Caleb duty". Liam started wailing and the next thing we know Darryl walks outside and states "I'm ready for 2!" Both babies in his arms and happy! What a good man!
Monday, May 16, 2011
My Love
As Jesus, who is our Lord and Model, grows in and lives as one of us, he reveals to us that human life - your life - and its humdrum, ordinary business, have a MEANING which is divine, which belongs to eternity. (The Forge, 688)
Wow! What encouraging words! So all the laundry, dishes, vacuuming, ironing, cooking, etc really does matter?!
Isn't it truly amazing how overnight we go from independent, carefree women, to moms who can't even get 5 minutes alone to go to the restroom? It can be a struggle to carry out this vocation. BUT what a blessing!
"Let us pray for mothers and fathers throughout the world, particularly those who may be struggling in any way -- socially, materially, spiritually. Let us honor the vocation of matrimony and the dignity of family life. Let us always appreciate that it is in families that vocations are given life." -- Benedict XVI
With that being said...I am so grateful for my hubby! I could not make this journey without him, or fulfill my role as wife and mother without his love and support. I love you Darryl!
Here are some precious memories...mmm when life was simple. Meals were whatever, whenever. Trips were no big deal. Grocery shopping was a breeze. Early morning runs were a usual. And a little bit of extra joy was lacking...God is good!

Wow! What encouraging words! So all the laundry, dishes, vacuuming, ironing, cooking, etc really does matter?!
Isn't it truly amazing how overnight we go from independent, carefree women, to moms who can't even get 5 minutes alone to go to the restroom? It can be a struggle to carry out this vocation. BUT what a blessing!
"Let us pray for mothers and fathers throughout the world, particularly those who may be struggling in any way -- socially, materially, spiritually. Let us honor the vocation of matrimony and the dignity of family life. Let us always appreciate that it is in families that vocations are given life." -- Benedict XVI
With that being said...I am so grateful for my hubby! I could not make this journey without him, or fulfill my role as wife and mother without his love and support. I love you Darryl!
Here are some precious memories...mmm when life was simple. Meals were whatever, whenever. Trips were no big deal. Grocery shopping was a breeze. Early morning runs were a usual. And a little bit of extra joy was lacking...God is good!
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
I know some people who just LOVE to be pregnant. It is like some fun ride...let me just tell you, I am NOT one of those people. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE the babies, the toddler, (and I'm sure I will love them as they continue to grow!) and the joy they bring. I know it is a huge blessing to be able to be pregnant, to be able to bear children. But just for a second, let me be selfish and tell you...
I do not like...
-the back pain
-the overwhelming feeling of exhaustion
-the swelling
-not being able to run
-feeling so unattractive
-the nausea and vomiting
-all the "don'ts"
BUT, like I said, I know it is a huge blessing, and a huge honor that God would allow us bring new life into this world, and I truly do love that! It is worth it! Without a doubt...
All of that being said, almost 31 weeks down! MAX 9 to go! =)
Sorry for the complaining...
I do not like...
-the back pain
-the overwhelming feeling of exhaustion
-the swelling
-not being able to run
-feeling so unattractive
-the nausea and vomiting
-all the "don'ts"
BUT, like I said, I know it is a huge blessing, and a huge honor that God would allow us bring new life into this world, and I truly do love that! It is worth it! Without a doubt...
All of that being said, almost 31 weeks down! MAX 9 to go! =)
Sorry for the complaining...
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Done for now...
goofy pic of me...but i love this girl!
love my family! 30 wks along with Jonah
Ok, I am done with construction for now...Wow! I never thought I could some of the stuff I did...
So this past weekend Darryl had OFF! WOHOO! We got to go to Dallas for a dear friend of mine's wedding. It was BEAUTIFUL! and lots of fun. My whole family was there so that was fun too! Caleb had a BLAST dancing at the reception. Unfortunately my mom has all those pictures on her camera!
On Mother's Day we went to mass as a family, then headed to the Rangers vs. Yankees game. What a fun way to celebrate! Caleb had much more fun than he did last year at the Rangers game! We had awesome seats, in the shade...I think this helped quite a bit! It made for a whirl-wind weekend, but was lots of fun.
And here we are carrying on with the rest of our BUSY May!
Monday, May 9, 2011
Our blog is under a little construction...please excuse the mess as we get a facelift!!!
Enjoy some pics from the first trip to the splash-pad...caleb was not too sure about it...the water was not warm like his bath, it was a bit strong, there were no other kids there, and it was also nap time...
we are trying again tomorrow with brylynn!
ps- thanks to cassie for the tips on the collage! and thanks to that...we have the overhaul coming! =)
Enjoy some pics from the first trip to the splash-pad...caleb was not too sure about it...the water was not warm like his bath, it was a bit strong, there were no other kids there, and it was also nap time...
we are trying again tomorrow with brylynn!
ps- thanks to cassie for the tips on the collage! and thanks to that...we have the overhaul coming! =)
Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Well yes things have been happening! I just haven't posted!
Our little nephew/godson is growing! He is absolutely precious and we love him to death! Especially Caleb, thank God. He knows where "the baby is" and will "give the baby a kiss." It is very sweet and I can't wait for them to grow and love each other, and have fun together just like my sisters and I did with our cousins!
Easter was such a blessing! Thank God for sending his son to be our savior! And thank God for all the blessings I enjoy daily...my little smiley man, my wonderful hubby, our home, and life its self!
Speaking of life its self...little Jonah Nicholas is doing well...28.5 weeks along. I can't believe it! He is quite the mover and shaker, and likes to keep me up at night, unlike Caleb.
Things will be busy the next few weeks, but when are they not?! Darryl is on his last rotation of 3rd year! and its a busy one...OB/GYN. We have several weddings to attend, Liam's baptism, a possible trip to Tyler (depending on D's schedule), a VACATION!!!!, another wedding, Darryl's Step 2, and then sometime we will be welcoming a new life!
On other news...I OPENED MY ETSY SHOP! Check it out and share it with friends! I just have a few things up and am working on more! It is lots of fun! If there is something in particular you, or someone you know wants, let me know and I'll see what I can do!
I am trying to put a permanent link to it here on my blog, over there on the left...but am having trouble with that...I am just not computer savvy...any tips?
Hope you had a blessed Easter, filled with Christ's joy!
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Desires of MY heart
Take delight in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:4
I have always believed that God gives us desires, urges, gut feelings, etc. for a reason. Maybe that is his calling to us, maybe it just a wake-up call to listen to him and open my heart to him. Only god knows...
Lately I have had this strong desire to stay home with my little angels. Do not get me wrong, I LOVE my job. I love being able to help others, to care for them in their most vulnerable situations, to be able to be Christ's light to them in some of their darkest moments...but what about my babies, my husband, my home...I know God has made us women to have this desire for a reason. Who else will instill morals and values in my child? A daycare? A sitter? (ALthough, I do have the WORLD'S BEST!!! and such a blessed situation...)
So, then I think..."ok Madeline, what mom wouldn't dream to have your job?! I only work 3days every 2 weeks!" AND when I work either my wonderful hubby, or a best friend, who lives across the street, and loves on Caleb as if he were her own watches him!!!
I think its hard because I work 12-13hour shifts, I leave when C is still sleeping, and get home when he is about to go to bed. I am completely exhausted with nothing left to give when I get home, to either my husband or my precious boy.
All this being said...
I am thinking of starting an Etsy shop. I LOVE to sew! I just don't like the mess it makes in my room, its hard to sew things for little boys, and I have an OLD Singer...now I LOVE this machine, it sews a BEAUTIFUL straight line! (but thats about it!) SO i have propsed to Darryl to invest in my and help me buy a new fancy shmancy machine that does extra stuff...his counter-offer was for me to sell some stuff now with what I have, and after I prove I can do it, he will let me get the new one...SO i have been thinking about this non-stop for about a week now. I have this huge list of things I want to make with the new machine (that will do simple letters, applique, etc...) I want to make: shopping cart covers, Easter basket liners, Christmas stockings, burp rags, blankets, little girl dresses, baby shoes, onesies etc...ANYWAY, yes my imagination has been running wild! I love fabric, colors, ribbons, bows, etc! i think it could be so much fun! Darryl has even thought of letting me use part of that garage for this adventure so that it won't make such a huge mess in our room!
I have always believed that God gives us desires, urges, gut feelings, etc. for a reason. Maybe that is his calling to us, maybe it just a wake-up call to listen to him and open my heart to him. Only god knows...
Lately I have had this strong desire to stay home with my little angels. Do not get me wrong, I LOVE my job. I love being able to help others, to care for them in their most vulnerable situations, to be able to be Christ's light to them in some of their darkest moments...but what about my babies, my husband, my home...I know God has made us women to have this desire for a reason. Who else will instill morals and values in my child? A daycare? A sitter? (ALthough, I do have the WORLD'S BEST!!! and such a blessed situation...)
So, then I think..."ok Madeline, what mom wouldn't dream to have your job?! I only work 3days every 2 weeks!" AND when I work either my wonderful hubby, or a best friend, who lives across the street, and loves on Caleb as if he were her own watches him!!!
I think its hard because I work 12-13hour shifts, I leave when C is still sleeping, and get home when he is about to go to bed. I am completely exhausted with nothing left to give when I get home, to either my husband or my precious boy.
All this being said...
I am thinking of starting an Etsy shop. I LOVE to sew! I just don't like the mess it makes in my room, its hard to sew things for little boys, and I have an OLD Singer...now I LOVE this machine, it sews a BEAUTIFUL straight line! (but thats about it!) SO i have propsed to Darryl to invest in my and help me buy a new fancy shmancy machine that does extra stuff...his counter-offer was for me to sell some stuff now with what I have, and after I prove I can do it, he will let me get the new one...SO i have been thinking about this non-stop for about a week now. I have this huge list of things I want to make with the new machine (that will do simple letters, applique, etc...) I want to make: shopping cart covers, Easter basket liners, Christmas stockings, burp rags, blankets, little girl dresses, baby shoes, onesies etc...ANYWAY, yes my imagination has been running wild! I love fabric, colors, ribbons, bows, etc! i think it could be so much fun! Darryl has even thought of letting me use part of that garage for this adventure so that it won't make such a huge mess in our room!
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
First of all, it has been way too long! So much has happened, things have been so busy etc...
MY NEPHEW/GODSON was born! Sorry, I was a little busy! =) PS-- he is absolutely precious! Check out my sister's blog to see more pics... thepowellsposting.blogspot.com
So, if you know me at all, you know that I am a list maker...just like my mother! Darryl likes to give me hard time about all my lists; grocery list (of course split into the Sams list, Wal-Mart list, HEB list, Target list...) my multiple to-do lists (today to-do, this week to-do, "would be nice to-do" etc). So here is my list of things I wish that I had more time, energy, money, knowledge, etc to be good at/learn...any tips, suggestions, references etc are welcome!
1. keeping my house clean
2. organizing
3. photography
4. working on my blog/making a website
5. comp. stuff in general
6. sewing
7. surviving with less sleep
8. decorating the house
9. being a good listener
10. being a better teacher to Caleb
not to be totally negative...i do feel blessed, and am thankful for the many talents and abilities i do have!
1. i think i am ok at cooking/baking (wish I had more time to do cake decorating again)
2. i have 2 long legs to run with! (when i am not pregnant!)
3. i try to be a loving, nurturing, supportive wife and mommy
4. i like to at least think i am compassionate
5. i love my lord and savior -- Jesus Christ!
Looking forward to our upcoming weekend in San Antonio with my sis, her hub, and precious Liam for her birthday...we really didn't get to see much of the handsome man while we were there!
One more side note...i am so proud of my hubby! He is doing so well in school! He just got his surgery grade and did fabulously...i have to brag for him, because i know he is too humble to do so!

beautiful parents!
MY NEPHEW/GODSON was born! Sorry, I was a little busy! =) PS-- he is absolutely precious! Check out my sister's blog to see more pics... thepowellsposting.blogspot.com
So, if you know me at all, you know that I am a list maker...just like my mother! Darryl likes to give me hard time about all my lists; grocery list (of course split into the Sams list, Wal-Mart list, HEB list, Target list...) my multiple to-do lists (today to-do, this week to-do, "would be nice to-do" etc). So here is my list of things I wish that I had more time, energy, money, knowledge, etc to be good at/learn...any tips, suggestions, references etc are welcome!
1. keeping my house clean
2. organizing
3. photography
4. working on my blog/making a website
5. comp. stuff in general
6. sewing
7. surviving with less sleep
8. decorating the house
9. being a good listener
10. being a better teacher to Caleb
not to be totally negative...i do feel blessed, and am thankful for the many talents and abilities i do have!
1. i think i am ok at cooking/baking (wish I had more time to do cake decorating again)
2. i have 2 long legs to run with! (when i am not pregnant!)
3. i try to be a loving, nurturing, supportive wife and mommy
4. i like to at least think i am compassionate
5. i love my lord and savior -- Jesus Christ!
Looking forward to our upcoming weekend in San Antonio with my sis, her hub, and precious Liam for her birthday...we really didn't get to see much of the handsome man while we were there!
One more side note...i am so proud of my hubby! He is doing so well in school! He just got his surgery grade and did fabulously...i have to brag for him, because i know he is too humble to do so!
beautiful parents!
enjoying a family outing to the wildlife ranch

Uncle Darryl
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