We started our June by having Darryl finish his 3rd year of medical school (all A's! I'll brag!) We headed to Galveston with my family for a week of vacation. SO much fun! It was nice to be able to take Caleb down in the am and find atleast mom and dad up to watch him so we could catch up on a few zzzz's. Caleb loves water, so no wonder he had a blast! I am not sure whether he liked the water or sand more, but either way 99% of each day was spent outside -- bliss! We didn't really do to much, which made the vacation even better! Just lots of relaxing, eating, playing games, watching movies, and enjoying family.
After this week of fun, we drove to San Antonio and stayed one night there with Courtney and Matthew (wonderful hosts!) before heading to Kerrville for a beautiful wedding, then back to San Antonio for another night...then back to Houston for Darryl to take the clinical skills part of his Step II exam. In Houston we stayed with my Aunt & Uncle who LOVE Caleb and are so good to him! Also, while we were in Houston I got meet up with several sweet friends I have been missing! God has blessed me with such wonderful friends!
Needless to say, after 13 days away, we were all glad to be home! Caleb was so cute when we got home he was running around in circles around the couch, slept like a champ, and in general we could just tell he missed his home too! (going to be like his mommy...a homebody!)
On the Jonah front...before we left for vacation I was having a lot of migraines so my Dr. ordered a bunch of tests on me for pre-eclampsia again. (Had this all with Caleb). When we came back I had a Dr. appt and she told me that I did have protein in my urine again. My BP has not been too bad, not as bad as it was with Caleb...upper 120's (pre-baby I was 100's). So she put me on "bedrest", (told me no more 12hr shifts) and scheduled me for 2x/wk appts and NSTs. Last week when I saw her I was 36 wks, and was 3cm dilated and 30% effaced...so she said we have a much better start for induction than we did with caleb...Today she told me she would not let me go past 39 (July 8) and I go back to see her Fri. Jonah seems to be doing just fine, shes not worried about him right now! Thank God!
We celebrated Father's Day this past weekend by having a relaxing Sunday, going to mass, playing in the backyard, and cooking Darryl dinner. I am so blessed to have so many amazing fathers, grandfathers, godfathers etc. in my life!
SOOO! Now Darryl is busy studying for the written portion of Step II (hence I am not able to get on the computer much). I am trying to rest as much as Caleb and me will let me, not get too hot, and get ready for # 2...amazing how unprepared I am this time around! ;-)
Sorry I did not have much time to spend on photos or blog...but hope you feel caught up! =)
We all love you guys, mucho!! And we can't wait to meet little Jonah, our godson/nephew!!