My Valentine

Yesterday was Caleb's first birthday! We had a nice little party for him. It was a lot of fun and we had good friends and family here with us (Unfortunately Darryl's family couldn't be here and we missed them!) Caleb was in fine form, enjoying all the attention, cake, presents/tissue paper and boxes, no naps etc...
I cannot believe it has been a year! He has taught me so much this year! I feel like I should be teaching him as his mommy, yet I have learned lots from this little man!
1. Patience truly is a virtue...Between waiting 3 days in labor at the hospital for him, waiting 2 weeks for him in the NICU to come home, having patience with him daily etc...God has taught me that I can never have too much of this! Everything happens in God's time and it is perfect time! Darryl and I actually enjoyed our 3 days of labor, we got to enjoy some quality time together and daydream about our baby boy and future. 2 weeks in the NICU wasn't as long as it seemed at the time, and my mom and sister helped me so much in that time period to get ready for him to come home.
2. I am so blessed to have such a wonderful husband! Darryl is so supportive and such a loving daddy! I couldn't ask for better!
3. Naps are wonderful and should be taken advantage of!
4. Baby cuddles (which he rarely does anymore!) are the best! Enjoy them when you have them!
5. Priorities...hes totally rearranged them!
6. Worrying does nothing, expect zap your energy and joy! (I still relearn this one daily!) God is holding us in his hands, what he gives he can easily take away! Enjoy your blessings today!
7. Disciplining is hard! Who am I, a sinner, to discipline my child?! Yet it is what I am called to do.
8. Smiles and giggles are super contagious! SHARE!!!
9. Being a mommy is the best job in the world...second to being a wife!
10. TIME GOES BY TOO QUICKLY!! Embrace each moment!
Happy happy day!!!!!!!! So cute!!